At 16 years, Ayesha Aziz became India's youngest and Kashmir’s first female pilot in 2011, to earn a license to fly a plane from Bombay Flying Club. Now 21, she is under training for MIG-29 fighter jet at Russia's Sokul airbase and owns a commercial license.
Ayesha also visited NASA and met former NASA astronaut John McBride. She is one of the three Indians chosen for an advanced space training course at NASA. At present, Ayesha is a member of the Indian Women Pilots' Association (IWPA), and flies single-engine Cessna 152 and Cessna 172 aircraft.
The talented girl, who idolizes Indian-American astronaut Sunitha Williams, has also had a chance to meet and interact with her, where the astronaut shared her experiences and activities in NASA, including scuba diving, moon-walk and bunny walk. She even had the privilege to meet Rabia Futehally, the first Indian woman to pilot an aircraft as a private pilot's license (PPL) holder in 1960.
“When you are passionate, age is just a number.”
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