Always Check Before Sharing
In the age of digital world, right from seeking information to sharing it, everything happens based on online research, with little confirmation about its facts and truthfulness; a wave of Yellow Journalism has taken over the globe and its netizens. The act of providing news with scandalous headlines, distorted truth and incomplete information is known as Yellow Journalism. Internet is filled with such reports with slight backing of facts and accuracy. Media bytes by celebrities, politicians, and other important officials have often been forged and marked with a gossipy tone, to attract readers and viewers.
In such cases, it is important that we as responsible citizens check or verify news before making it viral. Most times, it is difficult to recheck essentials but there are little tips that one can follow, to not get carried away by fake news.
1. Always check the news columnist’s reliability
2. Check the website’s domain address. Unusual names like ‘’ are often tricky and hard to rely upon. Refrain from sharing content from such illegitimate sites
3. If the website and publisher’s name appear normal, scroll through information in heads like ‘About Us’, ‘Mission & Vision’, ‘Clients’, ‘Testimonials’, ‘Photo Gallery’, and ‘Contact Us’. This will give a very clear picture of the kind of website you are surfing
4. Run through the write up and check its grammar and language quality. Often people with good command over language are learned, and do not engage in acts of spamming and hacking
5. Recognized businesses have high proofreading and grammatical principles where spelling and punctuation errors can never be overlooked, so here is another way of identifying fake news
6. The timeliness of the piece speaks volume. See if the story is up-to-the-minute or reused from some previously shared post
7. Fake and unreliable information often have a strange layout that can be picked with a sharp eye. Keep your eyes and ears open
8. Check for facts and figures in the article. Credible journalism highlights important facts and mentions the sources. Trail them to get a grip of its authenticity
9. Check if the similar information is available on other websites
10. Visit fact checking sites and find out if the news is accurate or bogus
Spreading rumors, incorrect information and damaging news can have a serious impact on individuals involved and named in the write up, as well as cause strong implications within the society. Sharing unverified content also weighs down the person or organization’s image responsible for spreading it. Hence double check data that is being posted online and save self from falling victim to spamming and hacking.
Happy surfing the Internet!
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